Street photography notes.

This journal entry is an exercise in digging into my current street collection and loosely organizing the images into groups, based on common elements and themes. I’m trying to get a better understanding of what kind of shots I’m drawn to when I’m doing street work.

Street reflections.

I’m currently working on curating my street photography book. Reflection shots are a big favorite for me. There’s something magical about them, like a window into an alternate version of this reality.

There’s something about the randomness and chaotic symmetry of these images that really appeals to me. When these shots come together (I think the above images are good examples of that happening) they have their own sort of balance; somehow all the random visual elements come together in a way that feels ‘right’, a composite that has it’s own kind of unique sensibility.

Street art and posters.

I enjoy the creative chaos of street art and street posters.

Street posts.

I definitely have a thing for these as subjects.

City nights.

I feel like capturing the city at night is it’s own thing.

Street Scenes.

These are the real sense-of-place kind of shots that feel like they capture some of the soul of the place.

Cityscapes and building details.

I do love compelling cityscapes, they’re like portraits of the city. I also love creating a sort of abstract out of the details of buildings.

Street portraits.

Currently I only have a handful of these candid shots I’ve capture on photo walks. I’m going to try incorporating my street portrait shoot work into this overall street photography book and see how they mesh.